Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A True Internet Gem: 28 of the Biggest Kid Fails of All Time

By: Greg Payne

BuzzFeed went above and beyond with this one. Click the link below for the 28 Biggest Kid Fails of All Time. Honestly, it's one of the funniest things I've seen in a long, long time. There are so many great moments.

28 of the Biggest Kid Fails of All Time -- BuzzFeed

I'll provide some of my own commentary for each one.

1. Love the quick recovery from this kid. Goes down, gets right back up. But that dog's relentless. Points go to the dog.

2. Did he hit a rough spot on that slide or something? Who randomly stops halfway down a slide and falls off? It's like the second symbol from the bottom was made of Velcro.

3. It took me a few minutes to realize this asshole kid was trying to throw the cat in the pool. Why are adults sitting there letting this happen? Kid deserved to fall in.

4. Dumbass.

5. This kid's great. Love the nervous, 'I'm gonna do it!' stutter-stepping prior to kickoff. His mistake was letting the ball hit the ground first. The best part? The Elvis Presley double kickout leg shuffle before he goes down.

6. Again, love the effort. She wins best face plant, hands-down. If she didn't need braces before, she does now.

7. Someone please call Social Services on that mom.

8. I love this one. This kid just had no shot. I mean, NO shot. Poor kid can't even walk yet and he's completely mowed over.

9. This girl looks way too at ease for someone being thrown down a staircase.


11. The door always wins.

12. I love that this kid gets completely swept out of the frame. Seriously, there's zero sign of him after that wave shatters every bone in his body.

13. How's your face, bro?

14. That kid's already having weight issues?

15. Bigger dumbass. Totally deserved it.

16. That girl needs to teach that guy how to flip. She definitely needs to work on her landings, though...

17. Similar to the asshole kid who tried putting the cat in the pool, what's up with this dude flat out striking the cat in the face? The best part is seeing the cat let out a ferocious growl before she sweeps in with her death paws and owns the kid.

18. I think this is honestly my favorite one. The best part is the kid's reaction when he nails the stick. The head rolls back, the hands flail up like a mastermind who's plan was just thwarted ("Whyyyyy!?") and he completely loses control of his vehicle. Dude's already crying before he even hits the chairs and the table.

19. Dude's gotta hit the gym.

20. Such a great effort to stabilize himself on the stairs. It's a real shame he ended up tearing his ACLs six times on the way down.

21. You think you hear the ice cream truck, you turn your head, and THAT happens.

22. This is right up there with #18. It might even surpass it. The kid must have felt so overwhelmed when the big ball of Earth came soaring in at his skull. The best part? Him falling, spread-eagled. Makes it that much funnier. Couldn't even prepare himself by tucking down or turning his shoulder. He took the world to the face and the world won big time. Gives Boy Meets World a whole new meaning.

23. I have Social Services on line two.

24. The fall isn't even the best part. It's the look of pure terror on the kid's face when whatever leaped off his plate is airborne, like it's a meteor cascading down to Earth ready to incinerate him.

25. Biggest dumbass.

26. Easily the best effort of the series. Kid gets pummeled in the face, but gets right back on the horse, only to get owned all over again. But hey, he saved a goal for his team. Unless the second one wasn't intentional. Like if the kid was so deranged from the first hit that he just tried getting back up and accidentally staggered in front of it again. Either way, great effort.

27. I think what we've learned from these videos is that kids and cats cannot co-exist.

28. Why would you run at the pool with your eyes closed?! I don't even feel bad for him. Kid totally asked for that punishment.

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